Seasonal Charity Program

Your Zakat and Sadaqah Matter

Thawab strives to eradicate poverty through its Seasonal Charity program. We support families and individuals most in need all over Egypt during different seasons through your Zakat and Sadaqah donations. Your Zakat and Sadaqah can change someone’s life for the better, helping them get through harsh seasons and spread the joy during religious festivals.

Among many other activities, Our Seasonal Charity program provides food to the marginalized to fight hunger in the Holy Month of Ramadan and fight cold in winter.

During Ramadan, we have managed to prepare XX Iftar meal and XX Ramadan bags for XX beneficiaries, as well as setting up a XX small businesses after making a case studies for XX potential projects and providing entrepreneurship training for XX women.

Share with us in our Seasonal Charity program and spread the joy among the people in need!